How to Breed Yool In My Singing Monsters

How To Breed Yool In My Singing Monsters

Breeding rare monsters is an exciting challenge in the popular mobile game, My Singing Monsters. Among the highly sought-after creatures, Yool stands out with its festive appearance and unique musical talents.

Breeding a Yool requires careful planning, knowledge of the game’s mechanics, and a bit of luck. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of breeding Yool and provide you with valuable tips and strategies to increase your chances of success.

Understanding Yool

Yool is a Cold Island monster that combines the elements of Cold, Air, and Earth. These specific elemental requirements make breeding Yool a bit more complex than breeding common monsters. However, with the right combination of monsters, levels, and patience, you can obtain this elusive creature.

Elements and Monster Combinations

To breed a Yool, you need to have monsters on Cold Island that possess the required elements. There are several combinations you can try, such as:

a. Bowgart + Tweedle: This is a commonly recommended combination for breeding a Yool. Both monsters possess the Cold, Air, and Earth elements, making them suitable candidates for breeding Yool.

b. Rare Bowgart + Rare Tweedle: Similar to the regular version, the rare versions of Bowgart and Tweedle have the necessary elements for breeding Yool. Utilizing their rare counterparts can potentially increase your chances of success.

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Tips and Strategies for Breeding Yool

1. Leveling Up Your Monsters: Increasing the levels of your breeding monsters can positively impact your breeding success rates. Higher-level monsters generally have better chances of producing rare offspring. Therefore, invest time in feeding and leveling up your Bowgarts and Tweedles to increase your odds of breeding a Yool.

2. Seasonal Availability: Yool is a seasonal monster, typically available during specific times of the year, especially around the winter holiday season. Keep a close eye on the game’s announcements and news to know when Yool becomes available for breeding. During this time, the chances of successfully breeding a Yool are significantly higher.

3. Breeding Structures and Decorations: Creating an optimal breeding environment is crucial for attracting rare monsters like Yool. Placing certain structures and decorations on your Cold Island can increase the likelihood of breeding Yool. Consider incorporating structures like the Breeding Structure, Nursery, and Wishing Torches, as well as decorations associated with the Cold, Air, and Earth elements.

4. Friend Codes and Social Interactions: In My Singing Monsters, you can connect with friends and exchange Friend Codes. Adding friends and lighting their Wishing Torches not only helps them but also enhances your chances of breeding rare monsters like Yool. By having a larger network of friends, you gain access to more potential breeding combinations, increasing your overall breeding success.

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5. Persistence and Patience: Breeding rare monsters often requires persistence and patience. It is not uncommon for players to make multiple attempts before successfully breeding a Yool. If you don’t achieve the desired result on your first try, don’t get discouraged. Keep experimenting with different combinations, leveling up your monsters, and optimizing your breeding conditions. Remember, breeding Yool is a game of chance, and perseverance pays off.


Breeding Yool in My Singing Monsters is an exhilarating endeavor that requires a combination of strategy, knowledge, and a touch of luck. By understanding the specific elements, experimenting with monster combinations, leveling up your monsters, utilizing breeding structures and decorations, engaging with friends, and maintaining persistence, you enhance your chances of successfully breeding a Yool. Enjoy the process, embrace the challenge, and soon you will have a festive and musically talented Yool in your monster collection.

See also: How to Breed Shugabush in 8 Steps

Originally posted on July 12, 2023 @ 7:23 pm

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