4 Ways to Check the Word Count on Word

4 Ways to Check the Word Count on Word

In the realm of document creation and project management, understanding how to monitor your word count becomes paramount, especially when dealing with specific word limits. Microsoft Word offers a user-friendly and effective word-counting feature that can be harnessed in various ways. This comprehensive guide delves into the significance of checking word count, providing insights on why it matters and offering detailed instructions on how to assess word count in Word using a computer, mobile device, or online platform. Let’s explore the multifaceted facets of this essential tool.

Why Checking the Word Count on Word is Useful

Keeping tabs on your word count in Word proves to be a fundamental strategy for tracking your progress. The real-time word count feature allows you to stay updated on the number of words you’ve typed, offering a tangible measure of your document’s length. This becomes particularly crucial when dealing with documents that have word-limit restrictions. Word count tools prove invaluable in preventing you from inadvertently surpassing or falling short of stipulated limits. Many workplaces leverage Word’s word count tool for seamless editing and to optimize content for search engines in marketing efforts.

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How to Check Word Count on Word When Using a Computer

Mastering the skill of checking word count on Word using a computer is a fundamental competency. The process slightly varies between PC and Mac, but both platforms offer a straightforward approach. Follow these steps to navigate through the process:

1. Open Microsoft Word:

Open Microsoft Word on your computer. Do this by clicking on Word via the blue icon. On a Windows PC, this is found on the Taskbar, and for Mac users, the Dock. If the Word icon isn’t on your desktop, type Word into your search menu.

2. Go to a previous document:

Once you’ve opened Word, choose the document you want to work on. Do this by navigating to the menu labelled ‘File’ and clicking ‘Open.’ A list of previous Word documents now appears for you to choose from.

3. Select your Word document:

Consider the Word document you want to edit and select it. Do this by highlighting the name of the file. Then select ‘Open’ towards the bottom of the screen.

4. Navigate to tools:

You can now access the word count tool. For those using a Mac, go to the ‘Tools’ menu above your document. If you’re using a PC, navigate to the ‘Review’ tab instead.

5. Go to word count:

To access word count on a Mac, scroll down the menu and click the option saying ‘Word Count.’ For PC users, within your ‘Review’ screen you see the word count tool. Click on this to review your word count.

6. View the word count of your document:

A box displaying all the details of your document’s word count now appears. This includes the number of words, pages and characters you’ve used so far in the Word file. Check or un-check a box for this count to include footnotes and endnotes.

How to Check the Word Count of a Section of Your Text

There are instances when you may want to assess the word count of a specific section rather than the entire document. Follow these steps to achieve this targeted evaluation:

1. Hover your cursor by your chosen text:

Start the process by hovering your mouse cursor at the start of the text you want to assess. Click at the start of the sentence or paragraph. Highlight the length of the text.

2. Highlight your section of text:

Highlight your text section by clicking and dragging the cursor to see the word count. Having selected the text, release the click and the section remains highlighted.

3. Navigate to the tools menu:

Click on the Tools menu to assess the word count of your section of copy. Once again, to access word count on a Mac, scroll down the ‘Tools’ menu and click the option saying ‘Word Count.’ For PC users, access the word count tool within your ‘Review’ screen.

4. Go to word count:

From the ‘Tools’ menu, choose ‘Word count.’ When using a PC, select this same option from within the ‘Review’ menu. This takes you to the word count details.

5. View the word count of your document:

Now all your data is on display for the section of highlighted text. This includes the number of words, pages and characters found within the highlighted paragraph of text you selected. Alter the highlighted text as necessary to get the word count for specific sections.

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How to Check the Word Count Using Word on a Mobile Device

For those on the go, utilizing Word on a mobile device offers a convenient method for editing and checking word count. The Microsoft Word App facilitates this process. Here’s a step-by-step guide for mobile users:

1. Click into the Microsoft Word app:

Once you’ve installed the Microsoft Word app on your device, click on the app. If it’s your first time using the app, make sure you sign in to your Microsoft account to access your Word documents. Signing in also ensures that you’re able to access all of the application’s abilities if you have a subscription.

2. Select a document:

Now select the Word document you want to check. When using the Microsoft Word App, it presents your most recent documents or recently opened and edited files. If your file is older, scroll through until you find it. Click on your desired file.

3. Choose the edit menu:

Once in your document, look for the ‘Edit’ menu. This is shown by an icon with a diagram of the letter ‘A’ that has a small pencil running through it. Clicking on this opens the editing options on the lower half of your screen. It’s even easier when using the Microsoft Word App on an iPad as it’s only necessary to click on the ‘Review’ tab.

4. Select home:

After selecting the ‘Edit’ menu, tap on the option for ‘Home.’ This has an up-and-down symbol next to it. A menu presenting review options appears.

5. Click on review:

Within the ‘Home’ options click the button marked ‘Review.’ This invites you to explore your word count options for the document.

6. View the word count of your document:

Click on ‘Word count.’ Now you can see your word count details on the Microsoft Word App. When using an iPad your word count is an icon for you to select.

How to Check the Word Count of a Document Using Word Online

Word Online, a free-to-use Microsoft platform, requires an internet connection but provides a seamless way to determine word count. Here’s how you can leverage Word Online for this purpose:

1. Access Word online:

To access Word online, enter your Microsoft details to access your account and Word documents. Alternatively, use the free version that doesn’t require login details. This takes you to your documents.

2. Launch a document:

Now open your document. For convenience, Word Online displays the documents you most recently worked on. Scroll to find the document you require, then click on it. This now displays your page of content.

3. View the word count of your document:

When using Microsoft Word Online, the word count is shown automatically for you. Find this in the lower information bar, displayed next to the page number you’re on. For more details regarding character count, access expanded word count information. Select the ‘Tools’ menu and scroll down to the option saying ‘Word Count.’ For PC users, within your ‘Review’ screen you access the word count tool. These both lead to more detailed information regarding the word count of your document.

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Originally posted on January 31, 2024 @ 2:26 pm

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