How to Make Someone Admin on Facebook Page

How to Make Someone Admin on Facebook Page

An admin on a Facebook page is a person who has been granted administrative privileges to manage the page. As an admin, they can perform tasks such as editing the page’s information, posting updates, responding to comments, and managing other admins. 

There is no specific limit to the number of admins a Facebook page can have. A page can have multiple admins with different levels of access and privileges. However, having too many admins can cause confusion and lead to conflicting actions, so it’s important to carefully consider who you add as an admin and what level of access you grant them.

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Facebook Admin Rights

As an admin of a Facebook page, you have the following rights and privileges:

• Edit the page information: You can edit the page name, profile picture, cover photo, description, and other basic information.

• Manage posts: You can publish posts, delete posts, and manage comments and messages on the page.

• Access page insights: You can view insights and metrics about the page’s performance and reach, such as page views, likes, and engagement.

• Manage page roles: You can add, remove, and manage the roles of other admins and editors.

• Promote the page: You can boost posts, run ads, and use other promotional tools to reach a wider audience.

• Respond to reviews and ratings: You can respond to reviews and ratings left by visitors on the page.

• Access to Page source code: You can access the HTML source code of your page and make customizations if needed.

Note: The exact privileges and rights of a Facebook page admin may vary depending on Facebook’s policies and guidelines, which are subject to change.

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Steps on How to Make Someone Admin on Facebook Page

To make someone an admin on a Facebook page:

• Go to the Facebook page you want to manage

• Click on the “Settings” option in the top right corner of the page

• Select “Page Roles” from the left-side menu

• In the “Assign a New Page Role” section, type in the name or email of the person you want to make an admin

• From the drop-down menu next to their name, select “Admin”

• Click “Add” and then confirm by clicking “Save Changes.”

Note: You must be an admin yourself to add or remove admin rights from other people.

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Originally posted on February 6, 2023 @ 10:19 am

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