What to do If Plunger Won’t Unclog the Toilet

What to do If Plunger Won't Unclog the Toilet

A clogged toilet is a common household problem that can quickly turn into a frustrating ordeal. Most of the time, a plunger is the go-to tool for unclogging a toilet, and it works like a charm. However, what do you do when you find yourself in the unfortunate situation where the plunger won’t unclog your toilet? 

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of effective methods and strategies to tackle stubborn toilet clogs that seem impossible to dislodge. But before attempting any unclogging methods, prioritize the following safety tips:

1. Wear Gloves: Protect your hands with disposable gloves. This will help maintain hygiene and prevent contact with potentially unsanitary water.

2. Ventilation: Ensure there is proper ventilation in the bathroom to prevent exposure to harmful fumes from cleaning chemicals or wastewater.

3. Avoid Excessive Force: Never use excessive force or sharp objects that could damage the porcelain bowl or the plumbing. Be patient and methodical in your approach.

Methods on How to Unclog Toilet

1. Assess the Severity of the Clog:

Before diving into various unclogging methods, it’s crucial to assess the severity of the clog. Understanding the nature of the blockage can help you choose the most appropriate method to resolve it. Here’s how you can evaluate the clog:

a. Water Level: Start by examining the water level in the toilet bowl. If the water is close to overflowing, proceed with caution to prevent a messy situation. If the water is not rising, you have a bit more time to work on the clog.

b. Potential Causes: Try to identify what might be causing the blockage. Common culprits include excess toilet paper, sanitary products, or foreign objects accidentally dropped into the toilet.

c. Previous Attempts: If you’ve already tried plunging without success, it’s essential to proceed with alternative methods carefully.

2. Try the Plunger Again

If your initial plunger attempt didn’t work, don’t give up just yet. It’s possible that your technique needs improvement. Follow these steps for effective plunging:

a. Choose the Right Plunger: Ensure you are using the correct type of plunger—a toilet plunger, also known as a flange plunger, has a narrow, protruding bottom that fits snugly into the toilet drain.

b. Create a Seal: Position the plunger over the drain hole in the bottom of the toilet bowl. Ensure a tight seal by pressing down firmly but not forcefully.

c. Plunge Vigorously: Apply a firm, even downward force on the plunger, then pull up forcefully. This action creates suction that can dislodge the clog. Repeat this motion for a minute or two, maintaining the seal.

d. Check for Success: After plunging, check if the water in the toilet bowl drains away. If it does, flush the toilet to confirm that it is no longer clogged. If not, proceed to alternative methods.

See also: How To Unclog Toilet With Dish Soap

Alternative Methods on How to Unclog Toilet

1. Use Boiling Water:

Boiling water can sometimes break down clogs by melting away the blockage. Here’s how to use this method:

a. Boil Water: Carefully boil a pot of water. Make sure it’s hot but not boiling, as boiling water can crack the porcelain bowl.

b. Pour Slowly: Hold the pot of hot water at waist height and carefully pour it into the toilet bowl. The hot water can help soften and break down the clog.

c. Wait and Observe: Allow the hot water to sit for a few minutes and see if the water level goes down. If it starts to drain, try flushing the toilet. Repeat the process if necessary.

2. Dish Soap and Hot Water:

Dish soap can act as a lubricant and, when combined with hot water, may help dislodge the clog. Here’s how to use this method:

a. Add Dish Soap: Squirt a generous amount of liquid dish soap (about half a cup) into the toilet bowl.

b. Hot Water: Heat a pot of hot water (not boiling) and pour it into the toilet bowl with the dish soap.

c. Wait and Plunge: Allow the mixture to sit for a few minutes to soften the clog. Afterwards, attempt to plunge again as described earlier.

3. Enzyme-Based Drain Cleaner:

Enzyme-based drain cleaners are designed to break down organic matter in clogs. This method can be effective for slow-draining toilets or minor clogs. Here’s how to use it:

a. Select a Product: Purchase an enzyme-based drain cleaner from a hardware or home improvement store.

b. Follow Instructions: Carefully follow the product’s instructions regarding the amount to use and how long to wait.

c. Wait: Allow the enzyme cleaner to work its magic for several hours, or as directed on the packaging.

d. Check and Plunge: After the waiting period, check if the clog has loosened. If it has, attempt to plunge again to help dislodge the blockage.

See also: Home Remedies for Vaginal Odor

4. Use a Toilet Auger:

A toilet auger, also known as a closet auger, is a specialized tool designed for tackling stubborn toilet clogs. Here’s how to use it:

a. Insert the Auger: Extend the flexible cable of the toilet auger and carefully insert it into the toilet drain.

b. Rotate and Crank: Rotate the handle of the auger while gently pushing it further into the drain. The cable’s design is meant to either break up the clog or retrieve it.

c. Be Cautious: Be cautious not to use excessive force that could damage the porcelain bowl. Work patiently and systematically.

d. Retract the Auger: Once you’ve worked on the clog, retract the auger and clean it thoroughly.

5. Call a Professional Plumber:

If all else fails and the clog remains stubborn, it may be time to call a professional plumber. Plumbers have the experience, tools, and expertise to diagnose and resolve more complex plumbing issues that a homeowner might not be equipped to handle. While it might be an added expense, it can save you time and frustration in the long run.


Dealing with a toilet clog that refuses to budge can be a maddening experience, but with patience and the right approach, you can often resolve the issue. Start by assessing the severity of the clog and take appropriate safety precautions. Utilize various methods, such as plunging, using boiling water, dish soap and hot water, enzyme-based cleaners, and toilet augers, to dislodge the obstruction. 

Always be cautious not to damage the toilet or plumbing during the unclogging process. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to seek the assistance of a professional plumber who can efficiently and effectively tackle the stubborn clog, ensuring your toilet is back in working order. Remember that persistence and a calm approach can often prevail even when the plunger won’t budge.

Originally posted on September 27, 2023 @ 8:07 pm

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