13 Side Effects Or Disadvantages Of Bitter Kola

13 Side Effects Or Disadvantages Of Bitter Kola

For several years, bitter kola has been eaten by humans due to the various health benefits it provides.

Bitter kola is obtained from a plant found in central and western Africa. It is usually eaten orally, it also has a sharp bitter taste that eases into slight sweetness as you chew it.

To eat your bitter kola, you have to peel off the skin to reveal the bitter kola seed and eaten chew it.

Despite the numerous health benefits bitter kola offers, it still has some side effects attached to it when it is taken in excess.

See also: 7 Health Benefit Of Bitter Kola

13 Side Effects Of Bitter Kola

1. Mouth cancer

2. High blood pressure

3. Restlessness and shakiness

4. Insomnia

5. Headache

6. Dizziness

7. Rapid or abnormal heart rhythm

8. Dehydration

9. Anxiety

10. Glaucoma

11. Imbalance in sugar level

12. Diarrhea

13. Hemophilia

See also: 10 Side Effects Of Bitter Leaf Juice/Water

How Bitter Kola Cause Mouth Cancer:

Based on research, eating bitter kola in excess can lead to mouth or gastrointestinal cancer.

How Bitter Kola Cause High Blood Pressure:

A combination of bitter kola and alligator pepper causes high blood pressure, it is advisable to not consume both at the same time.

How Bitter Kola Cause Restlessness, Shakiness, Insomnia, Headache, Dizziness, Rapid or Abnormal heart rhythm, Dehydration and Anxiety:

Bitter kola contains a huge amount of caffeine which is quite unhealthy. Excess caffeine intake causes several health conditions like restlessness, shakiness, insomnia, headache, dizziness, rapid or abnormal heart rhythm, dehydration and anxiety.

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How Bitter Kola Cause Glaucoma:

Despite bitter kola’s ability to prevent glaucoma, excess consumption of it may lead to glaucoma.

How Bitter Kola Cause Imbalance in sugar level:

Those with diabetes are advised to eat little or no bitter kola because its huge presence of caffeine will result in an imbalance in their sugar level.

How Bitter Kola Worsen Diarrhea:

Anyone that takes bitter kola despite having an existing diarrhoea condition is more likely to worsen the diarrhoea.

How Bitter Kola Cause Hemophilia:

Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which your blood doesn’t clot normally because it lacks sufficient blood-clotting proteins (clotting factors). 

Excess intake of bitter kola may lead to hemophilia by reducing the blood clotting proteins in the body.

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Originally posted on July 20, 2021 @ 2:58 pm

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